You Matter!

2 min readSep 25, 2021


This past month, I’ve been talking to new designers, and what I consider is they think they don’t matter, but in fact they do. They think they don’t have what it takes, or they have gone through the boot camp and can’t find a job. Yes, the market is tough… but if you were going to become a doctor or lawyer, that is the same right… that is just as urgent striving to break through. I might get some slack on this, but if you want to change direction, you can. You just have to know who is in your corner and start talking to others. Granted, not everyone will lay out the red carpet for you, BUT… it only takes one person to say “yes” or spend some time with you.

A brown hand with the plam up with five fingers showing.

When that does happen, I can tell you because it happens to me. It was fantastic to have someone who did not know me, but took 30 minutes out of their day to share with me where I should be going. You know what it worked. Till this day, I am so excited that I can email him at anytime. Actually, I should probably do that. So when I say hold your connections dear, meaning you have to invest in them. Actually, take the time and know how they are doing? You will be surprised what a conversation might start.

As you stroll through your old contacts and even new ones, if someone asks a brilliant question at an online event, maybe it’s worth sending them a short message thanking them for their contribution.

Introducing yourself to people is one of the most important things you can do. It’s also something that many of us are too shy or worried about doing for fear it may not work out well. If we approach new connections cautiously and carefully without any expectations, then there’ll be no disappointment when they don’t pan out as expected! So take some risks — you never know where your journey will lead until afterwords. So I double dog dare you, smiles!

Believe accessibility is everything!
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