What is Your Story?

2 min readApr 17, 2022


A hand with Story next to it.

What type of story are you trying to tell?

What’s the beginning and end for this one, or how long will it last before we get there? Some stories need more detail than others, so that people know what they are getting into when reading them. The most important thing when telling stories is being yourself. You have to find your voice and be true in every moment, even if it’s nervous or unsure at first! The more you find your voice, the better you can express who you are. That’s a key step in understanding yourself-understanding what makes up each of us as individuals. You are your own person — it’s time you started acting like one! The more we understand who ourselves are actually inside, the better equipped each of us will be when faced with life’s challenges.

The first step to understanding yourself is to realize what makes you tick. And the best way for someone who doesn’t know their own personality traits or preferences, like us mere humans living in this world with our limited perspectives on everything around us — well let me tell ya it’s hard! But take solace in knowing that as long as we keep trying and never give up, eventually things will start falling into place…or maybe not? Either way, I’m sure there are many people out here waiting eagerly behind every turn of phrase, ready to swoop down upon any opening given by neglectful.

Now that I’ve found my own personal meaning and understandings about life through writing, it has made me grow stronger than before, because now all these things hold weight with reality, instead just being thrown out there without any sense or reason behind them. Finding your voice and telling the story of who you are takes time. Every person has a unique journey to explore, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or challenging. This process should lead us down an interesting path where we learn something new every day!

That’s why we learn new things and share our stories with others. To make the world better, you need more than just knowledge. You also have to be generous enough that your storytelling can teach someone else something they might not know already — which is exactly what makes you so important!

Believe accessibility is everything!
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