We only have a few days until Turkey Day is here. Every year, we go through the same routine, go shopping and prepare everything for our family. If you wish to cook for your family. I admire you and simply want to say Mahalo, even though I will not be over for the place. I’m sure you don’t hear it enough. The time you take to care for things for your family and friends. Either way, that day is about being with the people you actually like. Yes, I said it… again there is a saying that my mom always tells me, “You can not pick your family, but you can pick your friends”. I am not sure who’s quote came from.
In fact, I watched Grey’s Anatomy’s last show, and there was this mother who was pregnant, and she was cooking and feeding her family, and she was in a lot of pain. I suppose she was about 7–8 months. What stood out was why she is cooking and doing everything, her family should be helping. She has another human in her body. This is not an easy task, to say the least.
That made me think about how we treat others and how others will treat us in our family function. Do we let our family play on our emotions, or do we merely do what we want to do? I don’t know. It’s just something to think about. I know there is only one group of parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, etc. I think it can be verified in the holidays. I can only imagine the family loses on those special days. I was lucky enough not to have family leave on the holidays, it’s completely on other days, but it’s still a pain. I swear this article was not to be a downer or something like that. I guess I’m perfectly pointing out, enjoying what you have and making the most of it. Sometimes I know that our lives are not ideal or not the best. On the other hand, it might be the best thing to slice bread. Either way, you can enjoy turkey, ham, pasta, fruit, cereal, whatever you have in front of you.
A silly thought… I was on Twitter a few hours ago, and I noticed a tweet about something talking about lunchclub? I don’t remember who it was, but they asked if someone was still using it. This reminded me of the holidays, the only time we perceive “family” or “friends” only once a year. This is so amusing, or you see family at a funeral and keep telling ourselves that we will keep in touch. Come on, we all do it! Don’t we?
No matter if you don’t anticipate your family / friends for a long time, and if the food is okay, it’s important that we celebrate you. Let’s celebrate you and your goals. “I believe that is a good reason, don’t you?
Believe accessibility is everything!
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